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澳网第10冠!大满贯第22冠 德约3-0重返世界第一(德约收获大满贯300胜)_其他 - 世界杯,欧洲杯,天下体育,足球,世界杯,篮球,羽球,乒乓球,球类, 棒球 ( 澳大利亚,塞尔维亚 )

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Novak Djokovic Captures His 10th Australian Open Men’s Singles Title


The New York Times

After missing last year’s tournament when he was deported for being unvaccinated for Covid-19, the Serbian star beat Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece in straight sets to win his 22nd Grand Slam title.

这位塞尔维亚球星因未接种 Covid-19 疫苗而被驱逐出境,错过了去年的比赛后,他直落三盘击败希腊选手斯特凡诺斯·西西帕斯,赢得了他的第 22 个大满贯冠军。

1.Deport/dɪˈpɔːt/ v.to force sb to leave a country, usually because they have broken the law or because they have no legal right to be there 把(违法者或无合法居留权的人)驱逐出境,递解出境

2.Serbian/ˈsɜːbiən/ n. 塞尔维亚人;塞尔维亚语

adj. 塞尔维亚的;塞尔维亚人的;塞尔维亚语的

3.Grand Slam大满贯;满垒时的全垒打

MELBOURNE, Australia — Novak Djokovic came to Australia with a mission, or really a series of them.

澳大利亚墨尔本——诺瓦克·德约科维奇 (Novak Djokovic) 带着一项使命来到澳大利亚,或者实际上是一系列使命。

To win the championship he had won nine times once again. To win a 22nd Grand Slam men’s singles title and draw even with his rival Rafael Nadal at the top of the list. To remove any doubt anyone might have about whether he remains the world’s dominant player, the most commanding player of the last decade and now this one, too. To show the world that the only way to keep him from winning nearly any tennis tournament is to not let him play.


4.men’s singles n.男子单打;单打运动员

5.Draw even with sb. 与......平分秋色

Check. Check. Check. And check.


A year after Australia deported him over his refusal to be vaccinated against Covid-19, Novak Djokovic reclaimed the Grand Slam title he has won more than any other, capturing a record 10th championship at the Australian Open by beating Stefanos Tsitsipas 6-3, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (5) on Sunday.

在他因拒绝接种 Covid-19 疫苗而被澳大利亚驱逐出境一年后,诺瓦克·德约科维奇夺回了他赢得最多的大满贯冠军头衔,以 6-3 和 7 击败斯特凡诺斯·齐齐帕斯,在澳大利亚网球公开赛上夺得创纪录的第 10 座冠军头衔-6 (4)、7-6 (5) 周日。

6.Australian Open



澳大利亚/澳大利亚网球公开赛(Australian Open):硬地赛事(慢速硬地),是网球硬地赛事中声望最高的2大赛事之一,每年1月份举办。

法国/法国网球公开赛(French Open or Roland-Garros


英国/温布尔登网球锦标赛(Wimbledon Championship):草地赛事,是网球草地赛事里的最高荣誉,也是全世界声望最高、历史最久的网球赛事,每年6-7月举办。

美国/美国网球公开赛(US Open):硬地赛事(快速硬地),是硬地赛事中声望最高的2大赛事之一,每年8-9月举办。

In addition to gaining pole position to surge past the injured star Nadal on the career Grand Slam list — and in the G.O.A.T. debate — Djokovic also reclaimed the top spot in the world rankings, making him, at 35-years-old, the second-oldest player to reach that rarefied realm, behind only Roger Federer who was nearly 37 during his last stint on top of the tennis world. Djokovic turns 36 on May 22. Probably a bad idea to bet against him taking that record from Federer, as he has so many others.

除了获得杆位,在职业大满贯名单上超越受伤的明星纳达尔 - 以及在 G.O.A.T.辩论——德约科维奇也重新夺回了世界排名第一的位置,这使他在 35 岁时成为达到这个稀有领域的第二大球员,仅次于罗杰·费德勒,后者在他最后一次登上世界排名榜首时已经将近 37 岁。网球世界。德约科维奇将于 5 月 22 日迎来 36 岁生日。打赌他不会从费德勒手中夺走这一纪录可能是个坏主意,因为他还有很多其他纪录。

7.pole position (汽车、自行车比赛的)杆位,首发位置

8.Reclaim v.1)~ sth (from sb/sth) to get sth back or to ask to have it back after it has been lost, taken away, etc. 取回;拿回;要求归还

例:Youll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet. 你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。

2)~ sth (from sth) to make land that is naturally too wet or too dry suitable to be built on, farmed, etc. 开垦,利用,改造(荒地)

例:The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp. 这片湿地将会被开发来建机场。

3)if a piece of land is reclaimed by desert, forest, etc., it turns back into desert, etc. after being used for farming or building 重新变为沙漠(或森林等);沙化;荒漠化;抛荒

4)~ sth (from sth) to obtain materials from waste products so that they can be used again 回收(废品中有用的东西)

5)~ sb (from sth) to rescue sb from a bad or criminal way of life 挽救;感化;使纠正;使悔过自新

9.rarefied/ˈreərɪfaɪd/ adj.1)understood or experienced by only a very small group of people who share a particular area of knowledge or activity 高深精妙的;曲高和寡的

例:the rarefied atmosphere of academic life 阳春白雪的学术生活氛围

2)( of air 空气 ) containing less oxygen than usual 稀薄的;含氧量低的

realm/relm/ n.1)an area of activity, interest, or knowledge 领域;场所

例:in the realm of literature 在文学领域内

2)a country ruled by a king or queen 王国


例:the defence of the realm 王国的防卫

10.Stint/stɪnt/ 作名词表示~ (as sth) a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity 从事某项工作(或活动)的时间

例:He did a stint abroad early in his career. 他早先在国外干过一段时间。

作动词可表示~ (on sth) | ~ (yourself) ( usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 ) to provide or use only a small amount of sth 节省;吝惜

例:She never stints on the food at her parties. 她举办聚会吃的东西从不小气。

Djokovic’s score sheets in this tournament might suggest that these last two weeks were a little more than a vacation Down Under with some tennis thrown in. He dropped only a single set in seven matches. His fourth-round, quarterfinal and semifinal tests were near-complete wipeouts of opponents who appeared beaten from the first ball.


11.down under 澳大利亚及新西兰

例:For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand.就澳大利亚和新西兰而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处莫过于新西兰。

12.Wipeout n.1)complete destruction, failure or defeat 全部摧毁;彻底失败

例:The party faces virtual wipeout in the election. 这个政党在选举中面临着近乎全军覆灭。

2)[ C ] a fall from a surfboard (从冲浪板上的)跌倒,翻跌

Tommy Paul,the American who was Djokovic’s victim in the semifinal, said when it was over that much of the first set was a blur. Paul had played tennis his whole life but this time, the seconds between points, between the moment he hit a ball and then was on the run chasing after the next one, had never passed so quickly.


13.Blur/blɜː(r)/ 作名词表示1)a shape that you cannot see clearly, often because it is moving too fast (移动的)模糊形状

例:His arm was a rapid blur of movement as he struck. 他出击时胳膊快速一晃,令人眼花缭乱。

2)something that you cannot remember clearly 模糊的记忆

例:The events of that day were just a blur. 那天发生的事只剩一片模糊的记忆。

作动词表示1)if the shape or outline of sth blurs , or if sth blurs it, it becomes less clear and sharp (使)变得模糊不清

例:The writing blurred and danced before his eyes. 字迹变得一片模糊,在他眼前晃动。

2)if sth blurs your eyes or vision , or your eyes or vision blur , you cannot see things clearly (使)视线模糊;(使)看不清

例:Tears blurred her eyes. 泪水模糊了她的视线。

3)to become or make sth become difficult to distinguish clearly (使)难以区分

例:The differences between art and life seem to have blurred. 艺术和生活之间的差别似乎已变得模糊不清。

14.Chase after 追逐;追赶

Eg:I will never cease to chase after my dream.我永远不会停止追逐梦想。

Andrey/Rublev,a/Russian/with/a/fearsomeforehand and serve, paced in the hallway in the minutes before being called onto the court. He had played Djokovic three times before, and even beaten him once, but had never faced/him/at/Rod/Laver/Arena,where/across/the/net/he/faced/an/even/more/invincible version of Djokovic than what he had seen in the past.

Andrey Rublev,一位拥有令人生畏的正手和发球能力的俄罗斯人,在被叫上场前的几分钟内在走廊里来回踱步。他之前和德约科维奇交手过3次,还赢过一次,但从来没有在罗德-拉沃尔竞技场和他交过手,隔网面对的是比以往任何时候都更无敌版的德约科维奇。

15.Fearsome adj.making people feel very frightened 很可怕的;十分吓人的

16.Forehand 正手

Serve 发球

17.invincible/ɪnˈvɪnsəbl/ adj.too strong to be defeated or changed 不可战胜的;不能改变的


例:The team seemed invincible. 这个队似乎战无不胜。

“He/was/playing/much/better,”a dazed Rublev said when it was over. “I don’t know what else to say.”


18.dazed/deɪzd/ adj.unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock or because you have been hit on the head (由于震惊或打击)神志不清的,茫然的

例:Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened. 生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待着救援船只。

In the fourth round Alex de Minaur, playing in front of a hometown crowd ready to cheer him into battle, won just five games. After the demolition of de Minaur, Djokovic said to the Serbian press that playing against an Australian in Australia motivated him because of what the country’s government had done to him the previous year, detaining and deporting him because of his notoriety and his stance against mandated vaccinations.

在第四轮比赛中,亚历克斯·德米纳尔在家乡球迷面前打球,准备为他加油打气,他只赢了五场比赛。在 de Minaur 被拆除后,德约科维奇对塞尔维亚媒体说,在澳大利亚与澳大利亚人比赛激励了他,因为该国政府去年对他做了什么,因为他的恶名和他反对强制接种疫苗的立场而拘留和驱逐他.

18.Demolition/ˌdeməˈlɪʃ(ə)n/ n.(故意的)拆毁,毁坏;<非正式>大败

19.Detain/dɪˈteɪn/ v.1)to keep sb in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving 拘留;扣押

例:One man has been detained for questioning. 一个男人被拘留审问。

2)to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere 耽搁;留住;阻留

例:Im sorry—hell be late; hes been detained at a meeting. 对不起—他要晚点到,他因会议耽搁了。

20.Notoriety/ˌnəʊtəˈraɪəti/ [U sing.]~ (for/as sth) fame for being bad in some way 恶名;坏名声

例:She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator. 她因为和参议员的风流韵事而声名狼藉。

21.mandated/ˈmændeɪtɪd/ adj.1)( of a country or state 国家 ) placed under the rule of another country 委托别国管辖的;托管的

例:mandated territories 托管地区

2)required by law 依法的;按法律要求的

例:a mandated curriculum 法定课程

3)having a mandate to do sth 获得授权的

例:a mandated government 获授权的政府

But Djokovic’s reclamation mission in Australia was filled with hazards. Ahead of the tournament he aggravated his hamstring, forcing him to take the court wearing a thick strapping around the injured area until the final. He hobbled through the first week, playing without the magical movement that is the foundation of his game.


22.Hazard/ˈhæzəd/ 作名词表示~ (to sb/sth) | ~ (of sth/of doing sth) a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage 危险;危害

例:a fire/safety hazard 火灾╱安全隐患

作动词表示1)to make a suggestion or guess which you know may be wrong 冒失地提出;冒险猜测

例:Would you like to hazard a guess ? 你想猜猜看吗?

2)to risk sth or put it in danger 冒…的风险;使处于危险


例:Careless drivers hazard other peoples lives as well as their own. 粗心大意的驾驶者拿他人和自己的生命冒险。

23.Aggravate/ˈæɡrəveɪt/ v.1)to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse 使严重;使恶化


例:Pollution can aggravate asthma. 污染会使气喘加重。

2)to annoy sb, especially deliberately (尤指故意地)激怒,惹恼

24.Hamstring/ˈhæmstrɪŋ/ 作名词表示1)one of the five tendons behind the knee that connect the muscles of the upper leg to the bones of the lower leg 腘绳肌腱


a hamstring injury 腘绳肌腱受伤

2)a tendon behind the middle joint (= hock ) of the back leg of a horse and some other animals (马等跗关节后部的)后腿肌腱,大肌腱

作动词表示to prevent sb/sth from working or taking action in the way that is needed 妨碍;使不能正常工作(或行动)

25.hobble/ˈhɒbl/ v.1)to walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt 蹒跚;跛行

类似表达 limp

例:The old man hobbled across the road. 老人一瘸一拐地穿过马路。

2)to tie together two legs of a horse or other animal in order to stop it from running away 捆绑(马等的)两腿(以防其走失)

3)to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen 阻止;妨碍

And then, as with so many of his previous injuries, a combination of rest, massages and painkillers made the pain and discomfort go away when it mattered the most.


26.Painkiller n.止痛药

27.discomfort/dɪsˈkʌmfət/ 作名词表示1)[ U ] a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortable 轻微的病痛;不舒服;不适

例:You will experience some minor discomfort during the treatment. 治疗中你会稍感不适。

例:abdominal discomfort 腹部不适

2)[ U ] a feeling of worry or embarrassment 不安;不自在;尴尬

类似表达 unease

例:Johns presence caused her considerable discomfort. 约翰在场使她颇为尴尬。

3)[ C ]something that makes you feel uncomfortable or causes you a slight feeling of pain 使人不舒服的事物;苦事;痛苦

作动词表示 to make sb feel anxious or embarrassed 使不舒服;使不安;使尴尬



Novak Djokovic Captures His 10th Australian Open Men’s Singles Title

The New York Times

After missing last year’s tournament when he was deported for being unvaccinated for Covid-19, the Serbian star beat Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece in straight sets to win his 22nd Grand Slam title.

MELBOURNE, Australia — Novak Djokovic came to Australia with a mission, or really a series of them.

To win the championship he had won nine times once again. To win a 22nd Grand Slam men’s singles title and draw even with his rival Rafael Nadal at the top of the list. To remove any doubt anyone might have about whether he remains the world’s dominant player, the most commanding player of the last decade and now this one, too. To show the world that the only way to keep him from winning nearly any tennis tournament is to not let him play.

Check. Check. Check. And check.

A year after Australia deported him over his refusal to be vaccinated against Covid-19, Novak Djokovic reclaimed the Grand Slam title he has won more than any other, capturing a record 10th championship at the Australian Open by beating Stefanos Tsitsipas 6-3, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (5) on Sunday.

In addition to gaining pole position to surge past the injured star Nadal on the career Grand Slam list — and in the G.O.A.T. debate — Djokovic also reclaimed the top spot in the world rankings, making him, at 35-years-old, the second-oldest player to reach that rarefied realm, behind only Roger Federer who was nearly 37 during his last stint on top of the tennis world. Djokovic turns 36 on May 22. Probably a bad idea to bet against him taking that record from Federer, as he has so many others.

Djokovic’s score sheets in this tournament might suggest that these last two weeks were a little more than a vacation Down Under with some tennis thrown in. He dropped only a single set in seven matches. His fourth-round, quarterfinal and semifinal tests were near-complete wipeouts of opponents who appeared beaten from the first ball.

Tommy Paul, the American who was Djokovic’s victim in the semifinal, said when it was over that much of the first set was a blur. Paul had played tennis his whole life but this time, the seconds between points, between the moment he hit a ball and then was on the run chasing after the next one, had never passed so quickly.

Andrey Rublev, a Russian with a fearsome forehand and serve, paced in the hallway in the minutes before being called onto the court. He had played Djokovic three times before, and even beaten him once, but had never faced him at Rod Laver Arena, where across the net he faced an even more invincible version of Djokovic than what he had seen in the past.

“He was playing much better,” a dazed Rublev said when it was over. “I don’t know what else to say.”

In the fourth round Alex de Minaur, playing in front of a hometown crowd ready to cheer him into battle, won just five games. After the demolition of de Minaur, Djokovic said to the Serbian press that playing against an Australian in Australia motivated him because of what the country’s government had done to him the previous year, detaining and deporting him because of his notoriety and his stance against mandated vaccinations.

But Djokovic’s reclamation mission in Australia was filled with hazards. Ahead of the tournament he aggravated his hamstring, forcing him to take the court wearing a thick strapping around the injured area until the final. He hobbled through the first week, playing without the magical movement that is the foundation of his game.

And then, as with so many of his previous injuries, a combination of rest, massages and painkillers made the pain and discomfort go away when it mattered the most.

- END -


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